Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cake Shake: The Ultimate Compromise Between Ice Cream and Cake

Do you frequently have a hankering for both ice cream AND cake at the same time?  Do you often top your cake with a dollop of ice cream and let the creaminess melt into the tiny crevices of your cake?  Do you crave a spongy cake saturated with sweet milk that seeps out into your mouth with each bite?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I have the perfect dessert for you -- the cake shake.

The cake shakes at Delia's Chicken Sausage Stand perfectly marry the moist, spongy texture of a cupcake with the thick, creamy richness of ice cream to create a true masterpiece.  The cake shake creatively combines Madagascar vanilla ice cream (not sure entirely what that means, except that it is delicious) with one of three varieties of cupcakes -- chocolate (on chocolate chip), red velvet (my personal favorite!), or a seasonal flavor (yesterday it was key lime) -- to make a thick shake that always hits the spot.  However, to be able to truly appreciate the beauty of the cake shake, you really have to see the process in making it.

Delia's makes cupcakes from scratch.  Each cupcake is baked with love and immaculately decorated with homemade icing.**  To make the cake shake, an employee removes the wrapper before throwing the cupcake into a blender with vanilla ice cream, and mixes everything together.  I won't lie -- it does pain me a little to see a perfectly baked red velvet cupcake being destroyed in a blender full of ice cream.  The first time I ordered one, I almost saw this happen in slow motion, as I was screaming in my head, "NOOOOOOOOOO!  SAVE THE CUPCAKE!!!"  But then I tasted the final product and the heavens parted and angels sang.  Why had it taken so long for someone to come up with this brilliant idea?

I'm not sure how many tries it took to get the perfect balance in textures, but it truly is amazing.  Tiny bits pieces of cake are homogeneously mixed in, so that every bite of ice cream contains a sweet, spongy morsel.  As you continue to sip/scoop out your cake shake (yes, it is a tad viscous at first...what did you expect?), the ice cream melts and soaks into the little bits of cake.  The longer you wait to finish the shake, the more the cake absorbs the ice cream around it -- so beware of the soggy cake shake!  If you must, you can store an unfinished shake in the freezer for a late night snack or, better yet, a breakfast of champions.

So, the next time you are itching for some cake and ice cream, head over to Delia's Chicken Sausage Stand for a truly innovative and satisfying treat -- the cake shake.

Oh!  I forgot to mention that Delia's also has delicious chicken sausage "slingers," as the name might imply.  You can't really go wrong with what you order there.  However, if you need something to contrast the sweetness of your cake shake, ask for a side of potato wedges, perfectly seasoned with a blend of savory spices.  These "fries" really hit the spot after a long day!

**Note: They sell the cupcakes by themselves, but to be honest, they're not the best cupcakes in town.  They're okay, but they're not the best.  They're a little drier than I would like, but this actually makes them pair well with vanilla ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. Super delicious! Besides the potato wedges (w/cheese sauce), I had the Double D - chicken sausage served inside a grilled Krispy Kreme donut, topped with a generous amount of cherry cream cheese. Not recommended eating more often than once in a blue moon, but it does make for excellent late night fare!
