Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Come one, come all! Free buffet for arthropods in the Athens, GA area!

Insects feeding on pollen, leaves, and other small arthropods living near Athens, Georgia have unlimited access to a free buffet at all times of the day, all days of the year at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia!

Joe and I took a short trip to Athens this past weekend and stopped by the gardens for a few hours -- we highly recommend it to those living in or near the Atlanta area!  Plus, it's free to the public!

Here are a few shots of insects feeding on pollen (and some others, including a shot of pitcher plants, which are just awesome).  Check out the little grasshopper buried inside a giant flower with pollen ALL OVER HIS FACE!  What a cutie pie. :)

1 comment:

  1. The pictures look great, I love the one of the hungry hungry grasshopper!
